Walk your way to health! We all know that being physically active help prevent health risks such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. What you might not know is that even short 10-minute sessions of activity can help achieve health benefits. This month, make time for your health and walk.Walking is natural. Most of us put one foot in front of the other before we could talk. When we walk, we don’t have to think about number of repetitions or proper form (though good posture is helpful). Walking is the easiest way to get exercise; you can do it anywhere and you don’t need any special equipment. Walking feels good – mentally and physically. Ever notice how walking can release stress, help you think more clearly, and work out little kinks in your back or hips? Walking can put some distance between you and the things you worry about, or give you time with your family to re-connect and enjoy the summer evenings. The rhythm of walking can be therapeutic. Walking can increase energy. Looking for a mid afternoon pick-me-up? Take a walk! Fresh air and physical activity get your blood pumping and help increase energy levels. Walking can also help you sleep better, which will make you more prepared for the next day.Walking can help control or maintain your weight. A 200-pound person who eats the same amount of calories but walks briskly each day for 1 1/2 miles could lose about 14 pounds in one year.The Centers for Disease Control recommend 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. This month, make time to walk your way to health.
Tips for Walking:
Walk with a friend – it makes the time go by more quickly
Walk with co-workers – try a walking meeting
Walk with a dog – take your dog out, or borrow a neighbor’s dog
Walk with kids – kids love to count steps or play hopscotch on the sidewalk cracks
Walk with a goal in mind – set a goal for number of steps (using a pedometer), number of minutes, or completion of a new route
Walk with a purpose – use walking to meditate or problem solve
Walk for health – notice little changes in your strength and endurance. Celebrate your commitment to yourself